Wildlife X Team Central Texas

Bird Control

Having a bird in your home might not seem so bad. After all, birds are colorful and have beautiful chirps. But having a nuisance bird roosting nearby can slowly degrade your home and pose health risks. Not only do they leave their droppings everywhere, making things filthy, but they also host tons of different diseases and parasites. These range from ticks and mites, all the way to salmonella and Ecoli. That’s why you should hurry up and remove the birds before they cause permanent damage.

Attic Removal

We’ve noticed that plenty of people call about birds roosting in their attics. This usually happens when a hole in your home goes unnoticed, and a bird decides to abuse that fact to build its nest. Removing birds from your attic can be quite difficult, but we’re more than up for the task.

The first step we take is to gather as much information as we can. This includes searching for the holes the birds used and finding their nests.

We then get to work by removing the nests. We do this by hand for two reasons. The first is because the birds in the nest probably can’t leave on their own, and the second is because the adult birds won’t leave while their young are still in your attic.

After that, it’s time to remove the adult bird. There are two ways to go about doing this. One method is to seal up most of the holes in the attic and install one-way doors, so the birds won’t be able to get back in when they go out to find food. The next method is to use a trap, like a cage trap or a net trap.

Once we’ve caught and removed the birds, we’ll clean up the mess they’ve left behind and will even disinfect the attic so you can quickly go back to using it.

General Removal

While birds can make more of a mess in an attic, at least you know where they are. Unfortunately, this doesn’t hold true all of the time. Birds could be resting in a nearby tree, on your roof, or somewhere else entirely. In these cases, the best way to remove them is with the use of traps.

The first step when trapping most animals is to pick the trap type. There are tons of different traps out there, each with their own pros and cons. Yet a cage or net trap is a great choice for catching a bird without harming it.

Once we’ve selected a trap, we’ll place it where we’ve seen the most bird activity. This makes the birds more likely to get caught. To help speed up the process, we camouflage the trap so as not to scare the bird away. We also use bait – typically bread or seeds – to help lure them in.

With the trap set, all we can do is wait and hope to get lucky. The bird will eventually fall into our trap, and we can then safely remove it from your home.

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    While it’s much easier to prevent mammals from getting into your home, because you only have to worry about them on the ground, there’s still plenty you can do to stop birds from getting in.

    One of the first things to do is to seal up any holes in your home, as this prevents birds from getting inside your attic. A chimney cap is also a great option if you’re worried about birds nesting in your chimney.

    Aside from that, your only options are physical barriers like bird spikes or netting. This makes it uncomfortable for the bird to land on any area covered by these.

    Call Wildlife X Team Central Texas

    We know how annoying nuisance birds can be, and that’s why we offer you our services. We have plenty of experience removing birds and are familiar with the laws of the state, so we’ll remove those pests quickly and legally. Our service areas include Waco, Temple, and Killeen, so give us a call or contact us if you live in these areas.

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